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In addition to becoming the talk of the town

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surging price makes it harder to buy drugs on the deep web

Bitcoin is having a moment. In addition to becoming the talk of the town, its staggering price rise over the last 12 months has made some early holders of the cryptocurrency exorbitantly wealthy.

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What once was a pseudonymous way to buy bricks of cocaine has transformed into a relatively illiquid store of value. Transferring BTC from your wallet to your dark market of choice now costs you a pretty Satoshi a bunch of them, actually.

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And, as a number of posts this week Fake Handbags on Reddit make clear, this is NOT COOL.

„[Why] is it so high and will it ever go down as i cheap replica handbags only make small orders and having to pay 15 fee is stupid high,“ wrote one individual on the Dream Market Reddit page.

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„I just made a transfer of $70 from my electrum to the market with a fee of around $10 worth of mbtc,“ wrote the individual on a dark market focused Reddit page. „When should I expect this to confirm? I understand a $10 bitcoin fee is low right now but I wasn’t expecting it to be as high as it was.“

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Some aggravated buyers are even pressing markets to accept other forms of cryptocurrency, such as Monero or Bitcoin Cash.

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Whether dark markets like Dream Market will eventually start accepting cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin is anyone’s guess, but, ya know, the customer is always right and all that perhaps especially when that customer is furiously trying to score Replica Bags.


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